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In accordance with the law clause n° 13 of the European regulation UE 2016/679, related to the protection of people and their personal data, and to the free circulation of those data, which cancel the guideline 95/46/CE.


Dear guest,
we inform you that the european law n° 679 of the 27th of April 2016 about the processing of personal information imposes the protection of people and their personal information. In accordance with law clause n° 13 of the European law 2016/679 we invite you to acknowledge this information and to express your consent to the processing of your personal data.

Data holder's information

Holder of the data is HOTEL MERCEDES s.a.s. di Piantoni Ivan, headquarter in Limone sul Garda (BS), via Nanzello n.12, V.A.T. N° 03883790986 Chamber of Commerce Registration N° 570968-Bs. Data holder can be contacted at this phone number : 0365 954073 or per email:

Collected Personal data:

name, family name, mail, phone N° .

Purpose of the processing

The processing of the collected personal data has the purpose to send you promotions and hotel offers.

Processing procedure

The data will be printed and recorded in data banks, to which the appointed people have access. The whole procedure guarantees the entirety, privacy and availability about all personal information.

Conservation of data

Collected data will be kept over the whole contract period.

Range of communication and diffusion of the data

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the data will not be disclosed to third parties.

Rights of the people concerned

As person concerned you have the right to complain to the Authority appointed to control and you have the following rights, which you can assert to the data holder/ person in charge of the processing procedure:

Data processing procedure holder

Hotel Mercedes s.a.s .


Dear guest,
we inform you that the european law n° 679 of the 27th of April 2016 about the processing of personal information imposes the protection of people and their personal information. In accordance with law clause n° 13 of the European law 2016/679 we invite you to acknowledge this information and to express your consent to the processing of your personal data.

Data holder's information

Holder of the data is HOTEL MERCEDES s.a.s. di Piantoni Ivan, headquarter in Limone sul Garda (BS), via Nanzello n.12, V.A.T. N° 03883790986 Chamber of Commerce Registration N° 570968-Bs. Data holder can be contacted at this phone number : 0365 954073 or per email:

Collected Personal data:


Purpose of the processing

The processing of personal data is aimed at the communication of news, rates and offers offered by the hotel..

Processing procedure

The data will be printed and recorded in data banks, to which the appointed people have access. The whole procedure guarantees the entirety, privacy and availability about all personal information.

Conservation of data

The personal data will be preserved until you ask for cancellation.

Range of communication and diffusion of the data

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the data will not be disclosed to third parties.

Rights of the people concerned

As person concerned you have the right to complain to the Authority appointed to control and you have the following rights, which you can assert to the data holder/ person in charge of the processing procedure:

Data processing procedure holder

Hotel Mercedes s.a.s.

Cookie disclosure statement pursuant to art. 13 of the Italian Privacy Code drawn up in accordance with the regulation issued by the Italian data protection authority 08.05.2014

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Hotel Mercedes

For any request or further information we are anytime at your disposal.
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